Model Crafting

Craftable models allow players to craft custom items (like chairs, decorations, or other models) using crafting recipes defined in the plugin configuration.

Example: Crafting a "Chair"

Here’s an example of a chair recipe configuration in model.yml

  # Layout for crafting. If you want no item in that slot, use a space ` `, e.g. `W W`
    - 'W W'
    - 'WWW'
    - 'P P'
  # Define each material used in the layout. Material names are 1 capital letter (e.g., `W`, `P`).
      type: WHITE_WOOL
      type: OAK_PLANKS

How It Works

  1. Layout:

    • Represents the pattern of materials in the crafting table (3x3 grid).

    • Use a single capital letter (e.g., W, P) to represent each material for slots that are occupied.

    • Use a space ( ) for empty slots. Example layout for the "chair":

      W   W
      W W W
      P   P
  2. Materials:

    • Define each material used in the layout.

    • Each material:

      • Has a capital letter key (e.g., W for wool, P for planks).

      • Specifies a Minecraft material type (e.g., WHITE_WOOL, OAK_PLANKS).

Crafting the Chair

Using the example above:

  • Place WHITE_WOOL in slots where W appears.

  • Place OAK_PLANKS in slots where P appears.

  • Leave the empty slots blank.

  • When the correct layout is placed in a crafting table, the player will craft the custom "chair" model.

Customizing Recipes

You can create recipes for any custom model by following these steps:

  1. Define a crafting layout under recipe.layout.

  2. Use meaningful and unique capital letters to represent materials.

  3. Specify the Minecraft material type for each material key under recipe.materials.


  • Ensure material names are unique, single capital letters.

  • Double-check Minecraft material names for correct spelling (WHITE_WOOL, OAK_PLANKS, etc.).

  • Adjust the layout and materials to fit your custom model's design.

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